Open Democracy: Our Beeb – Aaqil contributed a piece on why the BBC is important in the fight against religious illiteracy


The Future of public Service Broadcasting  - Aaqil provided a chapter to this academic book on representation and is only available at the moment to purchase.


Religious Literacy: an introduction – Aaqil contributed a chapter on the need for better religious literacy for journalists. This book is only available to purchase.


Independent newspaper – opinion piece written by Aaqil on changes to Christianity in the UK.


About the BBC blogs from Aaqil Ahmed (12 in total)


The Arab Weekly – Aaqil is an occasional columnist for the Dubai based weekly paper. This is one of his pieces on the use of Digital media in the fight against extremism.



In his twenty five year career as a Programme maker, TV and Media Executive and Academic Aaqil Ahmed has appeared at and spoken at conferences and ceremonies across the world.


He has been involved in thousands of hours of programming and is happy to help source some of them if required but they are too numerous to list.


He has published many articles and chapters in books and written blogs for the BBC. He has appeared on a number of TV and radio programmes as a contributor and recently was a guest newspaper reviewer on Radio 4's Broadcasting house show.


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